WELCOME… I feel so excited talking today. This will be my first official tech post. As you know already, my name is Joseph, but I am known as Zeus, or Cake, or Joe– lots of nicknames float around when people talk about me. I am a card game enthusiast, and I am kick-starting my card blog with Dragoborne card of the day posts. I will later try to add more card games such as Weiss, but you gotta start small somewhere and grow. Today we will talk about Carefree Orc or what I like to call:

spirit bombDragoborne carefree orc

SPIRIT BOMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. Ok please tell me you see at least some similarity here. I am going to call him Goku Goblin, hopefully when I go to regionals, I will hear people use that term because that would be cool. Regardless this fella throws his own spirit bomb… of one damage when he attacks. This works against a card in the demo deck that we know: Logres Swiftblade, the recent card that came out Elegant Fencer and a few others. 1 damage might not sound like a ton, but it is enough to get past different cards early game that would normally cost you 1 attack. You can now save that attack to destroy the fort or another card. This is what I like to consider a tempo or aggro card, depending how you value and use the damage. It can be tempo to save you from having to fight off many cards, but it also can be aggro in that it deals damage which can take out a card so that you push in more damage to the fort. I personally consider it aggro, but it can be used in tempo situations. Now as a disclaimer, tempo is an overused word and causes confusion when used. I will have an article soon that covers the word tempo, and that will be geared towards all card games so anyone can understand the true definition.

Initial Thoughts

This card will be a 4 of. You would want to have 4 copies so that way you have it in your starting hand. 2 cost deal 1 when attack makes this a must have card if you are playing red and are going turn 2. That way you are able to play it and then attack which resolves the effect. If you go turn 1 you could have it, but do not play it unless you have a bad hand and you are forced to put it down. Even then do not block with it unless you are forced to do so. That way you can attack with it the next turn and get revenge. One option for aggro players is if you are going turn 2, try to start with 2 of them so that way you attack with Goku Goblin 2 times and deal 2 damage– enough to destroy more early game cards which gives you more liberty to destroy a fort. Synergize this card with torch if you ever roll a low numbers on your red dice.

Pros vs. Cons


Cheap early play

Places pressure when attacking

Extra damage to clear out cards or make them weaker so they can be destroyed

10/10 artwork

Ok card to use later on in the game but holds more value early game


Dies to itself in mirror match

Not good as a start turn 1 card

Can easily be wiped by ambush cards such as Pyroblast

My Rating: 7.5/10

Thank you very much for spending time to read this article. I hope it helps you gather ideas and think more. If not, I hope it gives insight to form your own opinions. Remember, make your own decisions and explore; you never know what gems you will come across. My youtube is under construction but here it is; I will fix it soon as I plan to boot it back up for more card content:

Also be sure to check out other content creators. I am not the only one, and I hope more will join this path of expressing their knowledge. Leave a comment if you have an argument or question, and I will be glad to answer it to the best of my ability.


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