A Table for 2 and Some Promos For You- Baltheos, Devourer of Hope and The Keeper Analysis

Working a full time job has been a very exhausting yet interesting experience for me. But what fuels me for the day is waking up to some good news, and that is just what happened today. Bushi has announced to have plans to travel to over 100 stores and have a demo event in which you get a demo deck and 2 nice promos. Lucky for me, my locals, which is a bike ride away, will have its event followed by another locals just a small drive away during the following day. This means I am set to attend this event either day, so if you go you might run across me. That being said, lets take a small peek at 2 cards that were revealed to us, and boy do they look real good: Dragoborne Baltheos

Looks like some MTG card art to me. Remember this boy:Ugin

Dark Ugin but just a lot smaller and some thick black smoke coming out of his mouth, as if that dragon is ready to unleash some mighty blast. Thats what Baltheos reminds me of.

Initial Thoughts

4 cost 4/4, you might have to be careful when using this card. This card screams Yellow hate, so if Yellow ever formulates a top meta deck expect black players to start teching this card in to counter the meta. It must be said that if anyone wants to make a black aggro deck this could be a good card, I would use 1-2 unless Yellow is prevalent. This is simply theory-crafting, I dont know the meta and so doesnt the rest of the world as of now, but I will update this as time flows and when there is a solid meta if needed. Check your local meta and the actual meta to see how much this card fits. If Yellow is a heavy used color in your local or regional meta by all means this card will be very good. If not then no need but having a copy in your deck regardless would not hurt just in case you do face 1 guy who uses Yellow. You have assassin which is good and it has an ability when you combine it with the die, it can rest a yellow creature. So this deck devastates Yellow, a complete counter just like Shadow Imprisoning Mirror with Shaddoll decks, Ancient Grudge with Affinity decks, Seismitoad-EX with Night March decks… I can go on forever with counter cards but they exist in lots of card games, and this game just got a big counter card.

Pros vs. Cons



Not a bad card for its cost

Against mix Yellow decks you can rest the Yellow card and force your opponent to block with the non Yellow cards


Bad card to start with in some situations

Almost a dead card when playing vs non Yellow decks

My Rating: 5/10

Next, lets look at the other card we got. And this one I will say, I am in love with.Dragoborne the keeper

Initial Thoughts

This card has lots of early game potential. If you are in love with the Black Blue deck in MTG this card seems just for you. With 5 EDR you can get this effect going starting from turn 1. This is a very good card to play turn 1 as you for sure can get a block… or two with that effect. Usually turn 2 your opponent will have 1 big creature or 2 small cards. This has lots of potential for these 2 reasons: Lets say your opponent plays 2 small cards- Block creature 1 and then use the effect on creature 2 to end his attack phase. Now lets say he plays 1 huge card. As of now we only have very few options to remove this card turn 2, and torch will only work if you roll a 5-6. They can also play a card with 4 attack and give it a die which boosts the power but that is very poor as you are going to leave a fort open for attack. Most cards you will see your opponent play early game are 2-3 attack so you can block and rest a 2-3 attack creature. I am going to bother collecting 4 of these promos, the art looks great.

Pros vs. Cons


Good turn 1 play card

Helps counter swarm decks that play lots of small weak creatures

Hard to destroy early game

Goes well with manipulating decks (The fact that this is blue rather than any other color makes it very good since Blue is known to have manipulation tech)


If destroyed leaves you wide open

Not good against decks that run lots of big creatures

My Rating: 8/10

Thank you very much for reading this guys. Once more, comment and bookmark this web for more future content. Be sure to check out my other posts as I constantly add things to them and edit as time flows because ideas pop up in my head. Remember, if you ever have a question or comment please post it in the reply or message me with my contact info. I will 100% be sure to get back with you and answer or listen to your thoughts. Adventure on!



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