The Mortal Kombo Series: Chapter 1

With plenty of cards set out at this time, my long waited series can commence: The mortal Kombo series. During this, I will talk about potential combos using cards that are revealed and out so that way others can learn from these combos… or even formulate better combos. It is all about growth and that is my goal, to promote the growth of this game. So today I will be talking about 3 relatively simple combos that can be done which can potentially benefit your deck.

Kombo 1: Grave Champion/Goblin Madcap

Some people consider Goblin Madcap to be one of the most annoying demo deck cards, others consider him to be underwhelming. Regardless of opinion, this combo works real well to give you a nice push. This combo works best early game when your opponent barely has any cards on field. If you go turn 1, play Goblin. Next your opponent will play his card. Now you have a 50/50 chance of this to be a success as Goblin deals 3 damage to a shield. As long as your opponents dice is 1-3, play Grave champion the next turn, and sacrifice the Goblin madcap. Your opponent will be forced to sacrifice his only card unless he played more than 1 card during the previous turn. This gives your opponent a minus, and if his shield is 1-3 you use Goblins effect to break it, thus leaving you with an open field to attack. This doesn’t have to be done super early although the earlier, the better, as your opponent chooses what he must destroy. That means in later turns, he will have a full field of strong and weak cards and will be more obligated to just sacrifice his weakest card rather than his only card early game.

The Kombo: Goblin Madcap>Grave Champion>Destroy shield by sacrificing Madcap>Opponent chooses a card to sacrifice>Push for damage

The Katch: Shield must be 1-3 for you to pave a clear path with madcap, and this effect is better early game as the earlier you play Grave, the less options your opponent has to chose from for sacrificing.

Kombo 2: Eleanor, Queen of Storm/ Telios, Erstwhile Guardian

Ever wanted to attack a fort, risk free of any harm? Or have you ever played a game where your opponent was stuck on 1 barrier, and he had that unstoppable defense that costed you the game? This Blue/Green combo works well to give you the attack you might need late game to destroy that one heavily guarded barrier. You will need to cross Eleanor to disable any ambushes not just for her own attack, but for the whole turn. Attack with Eleanor first with the cross so ambushes have no effect. Eleanor’s attack might be enough to destroy a shield as she has 4/6, not factoring any power boosting cards or effects. Now, you attack with Telios. The good thing about Telios is that the effect goes off if you simply do damage, so even if the card doesn’t have enough power to destroy a defending card, you can still trigger the effect to rest a card. You would want to rest the other standing card for the fort you are attacking. This leaves you with a nice direct hit to be able to destroy the barrier and clean you the game.

The Kombo: Cross Eleanor>Attack with Eleanor>Attack with Telios>Rest any standing character using the siphon ability of Telios> Attack the barrier

The Katch: Fort burst, you could get unlucky and trigger one if you are attacking a fort with 2 barriers. If you are using this combo to attack the final barrier then you don’t need to worry as you end the game as soon as that barrier has been destroyed. This combo is intended for destroying the final barrier of the game, as that will be the most guarded barrier.

Kombo 3: Redfang, Born Leader/ Spellweaver Magus

White Green, a very good deck that focuses on growth and prosperity. The two cards here work well together as they both fit perfectly in a Yellow/Green deck. This combo isn’t much about dealing damage, rather than increasing your resource pool so that you can play bigger and stronger creatures in the upcoming turns. You would want to focus this combo to go off before turn 7 as you need 6 or less resources for Redfang to be of any effect. Summon Redfang with 3 resources and summon Spellweaver the next turn with 4. When Spellweaver is summoned you can pick an opposing shield and change the value to 1. This gives a direct chance for Redfang to go in and destroy the shield, thus giving you an extra resource. Spellweaver can cross with a green die to change another shield to 1, but that is not recommended early game as you need your shields. But that just makes Spellweaver a bit more useful in a Y/G deck as late game she can do much more than just her on summon effect just in case your green fort is destroyed. and you have a green die just sitting there. This combo gives you an attack with redfang and a defender which should be Spellweaver. A more tempo based combo, something midrange or control decks tend to utilize.

The Kombo: Redfang summon>Spellweaver summon>Change shield to 1>Attack with Redfang>Gain +1 resource if you are 6 or less

The Katch: Ambush… that activate if a fort is going to get attacked. Pyroblast can take care of destroying Redfang if the red die is 2 or more which thus negates the activation of Redfang’s effect as the shield won’t get destroyed.

Hope you enjoyed this. update on the Drago demo event, it went very good. I played 7 people and went 5-2. I also got to secure myself a playset of each promo. I will try to talk about that event in the future. For sure, I will continue this series as we get more and more cards. Be sure to check out the other articles and tell your friends to come look at my posts if they are ever interested in this game. And don’t forget to check out other content creators to look at the other perspective of how certain cards play. Until the next time, adventure on.

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