Dragon breath- Fafneer, Volatile Fire Breakdown

NEWS: This week in Dragoborne, we get some exciting things to look at. Regional side event promo, Euro having an official circuit, countdown timer for the release of the game and Trial deck tourney info. Party on (This weeks sponsored song is Future – PIE ft. Chris Brown).


I ordered 6 boxes of Dragoborne. Two of them I need to thank my loyal Crystal Cavern Sponsors, Mark Shoulders and Alex Velsaquez. Your donations will infinitely  be thanked and be used for the benefit of helping others. Hopefully next set I can get even more. So, what I do have planned for everyone is a box opening video. One of the hot topics that is in the air at the moment is, what is the pull rate of the rare cards and so on. With this video, although 6 boxes is not enough, it will show some understanding of what you can pull, which will help people who want to buy boxes in the future. This will further help others as we can get some answers solved possibly such as any alternative art rare cards and so on. One thing I see lots is the question: Do RR cards come foil or no? Reading on, the official Bushiroad description they state, and I will quote them: ” Parallel holo versions of all cards will also be randomly inserted!!” which is a direct copy and paste from the following link http://dragoborne.com/product under the description for Rally to War. Using context clues, this might very well mean there is going to be a normal, and a foil version of the RR cards… they don’t come foil. Or if they do, there is going to be an alternative version of the R and RR cards. I am just using context clues from a direct quote as my evidence. Whether I am correct or not, we will see later on.

Now recently as we come to a wrap up of the spoilers for the set, we get a more clear understanding of the cards for the whole set. Regional will come soon, as soon as the end of August to be exact and will go through all of fall. I will step up my game to provide quality content here in the Caverns to help assist those who want to take this game seriously, but bare with me as this is a solo project so I might be slow on some posts. I was looking at social media and Discord comments about a particular RR card. Fafneer, Volatile Fire to be exact, and today in The Crystal Caverns, we will take a look at this RR card.

dragoborne fafneer, Volatile Fire

Initial Thoughts

Lets see. Insta-destroy a shield and pick a card to do 5 damage to for just 6 cost. If this was a spell it would be edgy to use. However, this is a creature, meaning you can attack with it too. Late game structure, your opponent is down to 1 fort with 2 barriers, 2 creatures and 1 ambush and a shield. This card lets you take out the shield and potentially 1 creature. This leaves you with 1 more creature, 1 ambush and 2 barriers, all which theoretically take 3 attacks to stop give or take +2 attacks depending on what ambush (Aka cards that can stop multiple creatures in 1 fort like Dragon`s Presence). So this card alone gives you 2-3 “attacks” during the turn. Attack 1 is instantaneous destruction of a shield, 2 is 5 damage to a creature and 3 will be actually attacking with this card which is up to 8 damage to a creature. You can’t say this is a bad deal, for only 6 cost you get a bang and a boom for the buck. Most creatures are 5 EDR and under, and a good number stay 5 and under even with a cross giving them a +1/+1. So, would you use this, most definitely in a nice tempo based decks. Midrange can also use this as a 6 drop when they get 6 resources. Early game this will destroy most cards with the burn 5 effect, and a shield destruction, guaranteeing a free barrier damage. Combo this with a torch when your red die is on a 6 and you will only need to worry about ambushes when destroying a fort. Although they do exist, the plain majority of the cards in this 1st set have an average of 5 EDR. This effect is a clear cut with they cards your opponent might be using.

Pros vs. Cons


Very good use of 6 resources

Gives you a free shield destruction and 5 damage to a creature

Can go over huge walls with the cross effect

Best if used with another burn card to ensure a clear fort to attack


Uses 6 resources so you must be sure you want to spend a turn playing this card

Still susceptible to ambushes

My Rating: 9/10

Hmmmmmmmmm, cupcakes or muffins. I am not sure what I want to bake. And be sure to check out my other posts/articles, they can be kinda interesting or boring. Now, lets wait just a few more days for our trial decks. Good luck to everyone playing the game and hope it grows. I will think of doing something special at the Dragoborne side event at the Houston regional late September, so if you plan to go there be sure to keep your eyes and ears and nose open for more details. Like, comment, or leave a reply. I love to listen to feedback or answer any questions/arguments. If you have a civil debate you want to discuss I am open to talk about whatever the argument is about. -Cake

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