The Wrap of 2017: Core Cards That Defined Dragoborne’s 2017 Meta

NEWS: It is about time I get cracking on a new article, and this time we actually have cards to work with. Set 1 rolled fast and let me tell you, the artwork is amazing. Nothing more than killer art for a killer game. The community is slowly getting more and more active as people are starting to see this game more, and in 1 year I hope we will have a good strong community. As for now, we must appreciate what we have so far and only hope the game continues to grow. Soon this game will be worth as much as my Bitcoin (In the sense that both are growing… at least I hope bitcoin grows).

The start of this year gave birth to what some people, including I, consider to be Bushi’s best potential given to us. Dragoborne came out with a band and a boom, but not so suddenly to where everyone gets startled. We had demo day where members of the team came to teach the game and give free goodies. Then the trial decks came out and lastly the first set was released. Mixed reviews sprouted as the result of this, and the game started to roll. With consistent promotional events and a set of major tourneys that just passed, this year was a ton of fun for Dragoborne, and hopefully next year will be even greater. With that being said, today I am going to look over a list of some cards that defined the meta… during set 1 and set 2 time period. Of course this article will become a 50 page research essay if I include every single important card so I limited the list down to the top 10 most popular cards that people played, or were forced to side against. This list is my opinion, and the opinion of many others, yet does not speak for 100% of the community. To some others, you might disagree with my list, and that I respect because some people might consider other cards more important. The list is not in order of importance, meaning that what I put for #9 could be more important than #4. Also remember, we have way more than just 10 good cards, so if I don’t mention a card here that does not mean that it is poor, or I consider it to be poor. Therefore this disclaimer is to prevent negative lash to this list. However, I would love to hear your list of the top 10 most defining cards to this years meta. Feel free to reply to this post with your top 10 list.

#10: Hrist of the Infernal Blades

Dragoborne Hrist

The centerpiece of aggro decks to this day, set 2 gave all aggro players a card they can indulge their greed on. This card gains power and if you play a weenie rush deck, you have a good chance of summoning the card revealed if it is 2 cost or less. Nothing screams aggro more than this card, and it is a must play 4 of in any red focused rush deck. Plenty of combos can occur with the instant summoning of the 2 or 1 cost creature. This card can give you the 1 damage you need to be dealt to that Dragoshield that is preventing you from winning the game when you reveal that Goblin Toestabber. This card can give you that extra card you can use to defend yourself when you are in a pinch. And this whole package comes at a very small price of 3, so at 6 resource you can easily play 2 and swamp your field. Europe saw this card in 3 of the 4 top four decks, a surprisingly high amount of representation. This card will definitely be a card that will be seen in the future, as more sets will only introduce more and potentially better 1-2 drops.

#9: Glauce, Will of Steel

dragoborne Glauce, Will of steel

Glauce, Will of Steel gave many players trouble back in set 1, as red focused players would abuse her early game to destroy the field for a very low cost of 3. Her prominence lasted even after set 2 as she became the card you wanted to combo with to take down a strong dragon or just clear up the fort. Her influence makes her a card you see in most decks that have red as a main color to this day. What makes her annoying is the fact that she is played both offensively and defensively, giving her that energy mid range decks need to have in order to be successful.

#8: Darion, Brutal Enforcer

 dragoborne darion 2

As soon as this card was revealed, multitudes of people took to a liking that we now have a card that can attack… and defend, at the same time. This is very useful because with this double personality this card offers, one can fear less from being killed. The fort burst effect only makes this card even better. This is the first card in this game that I gave a 10/10 rating, and I don’t see him ever falling down in the future. Talk about making a defender, except only ten times better. Thanks Darion for helping the Dragoborne community win games. Sincerely, every Darion player.

#7: Sennes, Lord of the Rampage

 Dragoborne Sennes

Probably the most feared card currently, Sennes is the one dragon you don’t want to see your opponent play against you. 5 cost makes this card ridiculously easy to play, and many players drop it down if they go once they get the 5th resource to instantly cripple the opponent. This effect shuts down so many decks as it is very hard to start your game with a 1-2 card hand, unless you miraculously saved a Yvel. In fact, it is suggested that players with Yellow as a banner should run Yvel in the sideboard, just to counter this horror of a card. This card deserves a spooky award cause every time I see black as a resource my opponent uses, ” I get those goosebumps every time, yeah, you come around, yeah” -Travis Scott (Ok very silly music reference but for those who get it, now you are probably gonna hear that song in your head when you see this card). Even people with 1 black banner can easily play this card as the main effect of this card triggers on a 3-6, so as long as you don’t hit a 1 or 2, you are good. The cross and the 1st effect, even though they help, can only be considered a bonus in compared to the second most effect, which truly defines this card. Now I can’t go to sleep, this card is the bane of my life. I will forever have nightmares thinking of this card. Good grief Sennes. 

#6: Izarco-Tvash, Born of Magma

Dragoborne Izarco

The shock that hit the faces of the people who saw this card upon reveal was immense. I remember reading players who expressed their hatred to this card because “It is too OP” or “It cant be stopped.” Of course those days are long gone but the presence of this dragon is far from gone. The beauty of this dragon arises from not his power, yet his burst damage from being summoned, and destroyed. Crossing this dragon makes it very hard for your opponent to decide whether to have it destroyed, or to let the attack through. Late game this pressure is essential, and thus this card has helped many decks win and place high during the regionals. Whats great is that this card isn’t hard to obtain, a simple trial deck will get you a part of what you need. His accessibility is very pleasing to many, and while he costs 7, that is easily accomplished with the ramping power green cards offer.

#5: Mischievous Sprite

dragoborne mischievous

Not every good card has to be a double rare. Sometimes, the small pack a punch harder than Goliath. A very staple green card, this silly sprite is seen either in the main deck, or sideboard. Simple 3 cost, simple anti-ambush. Cross it with green and everyone green gets a small boost. I chose this card after some hard pondering, but the answer was closer than I thought. Her usefulness to a deck is very great, and at no point is she just a dead 3 cost card. Why her over Eleanor? While Eleanor does have a good 3/5 body and anti ambush, the accessibility of this card makes her more useful to a low rounded deck, cost wise. She can actually be in a Ferocity combo, and that green boost is very helpful when you are looking for some power to overcome a shield or blocking creatures.

#4: Tariel, High Priestess

Dragoborne Tariel

Save a fort, or even a game loss. My personal favorite card that came out of set 1, Tariel has helped many rogue decks from ultimate destruction. You need to light a candle and pray this card is what gets triggered during attack 1/6 during your opponents turn. She is too glamorous to pass on, and brings trouble to many opponents as she is very easy to destroy. Of course we might get more and more anti-Tariel cards in the future, but for now lets juice as much out of her fruit as we can before Logress Swiftblade gets a clone.

#3: Albert, Plague Spreader

Dragoborne Albert

Pleased to meet you, but let me kill you. I think that is what is going on in his mind, but I was baffled when in the video he transformed into some jelly that can shift into this gentleman form. As pleasing as he looks, he is very deadly, and I mean that more than the pun’s intentions. Swarm players can build a full field and drop him; thus everyone gains deadly. This means nothing can stop your army except certain ambushes or other death effect cards. Even if your opponent has something that can bypass an attack, you can get rid of that dead Albert in your hand to destroy the threat. Rejoice black players, the black death has returned.

#2: Eldrun, Lord of the Blaze

Dragoborne Eldrun

Destruction in a nutshell. You do not want to crack this shell because if you do, you are gonna take a big 2 damage, destroying a whole fort in 1 attack. Many people use and abuse this card, and I can see why he landed a spot on my top 10 list. You don’t even have to attack a fort directly, just force a small creature to block this card and let that 1 damage grow to 2 with a 3-6 on a red die. Now that is what I call, killing 2 birds with 1 stone. Or in this case, with 1 dragon.

#1: Sigrun, the Holy Hand

Dragoborne Sigrun.png

I know many readers were expecting this card, so lo and behold what I consider to be the most meta influential card of 2017, Sigrun, the Holy Hand. Every Yellow player will use this card, and abuse the effect with ease. Even Fafneer, whom counters this card, forces her first effect to be used as the shield is destroyed first. Simple 4 cost means she will be out as soon as the second turn player places that fourth resource so that way you can get ready to choke your opponent. It stresses me just by talking about this card, she is definitely the most hated card to many people yet the most loved card by many others. Can we get a full art version of this card please?

That concludes my list. I hope everyone here has a good Christmas and New Years break and lets wish for more success to this game. Honorable mentions that fell short of the list, yet pack a punch:

Fafneer, Volatile Fire

Angelica, the Light of Logres

Fal’thalas, the Lost Wind

Growing Touch

Zero, Mecha Warrior

Doomfire Avatar

Sahrg, Renowned Bladesmith

Yvel, Lord of the Skies

Augmented Sniper

Ferocity Unleashed

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